Download SPARCd
Step 1: Delete old versions of SPARCd
If you have older versions of SPARCd downloaded to your computer, including “SPARCd latest 02-27-2023,” please delete.
If you have never downloaded SPARCd before, please skip this step.
Step 2: Install Java 21
If you have older versions of Java installed on your computer, you do not need to delete them as your system will default to the latest version.
Go to Java SE 21 Archive Downloads and choose the correct version for your operating system.
Note: For Mac Users
If you have an older Mac (purchased before 11/2020), please choose macOS Arm 64 DMG Installer.
If you have a newer Mac (purchased after 11/2020), please choose macOS x64 DMG Installer.
Step 3: Download SPARCd
Go to GitHub and choose the correct version for your operating system.
Note: For Mac Users
If you have an older Mac (purchased before 11/2020), please choose sparcd-macos-latest.jar.
If you have a newer Mac (purchased after 11/2020), please choose sparcd-AppleSilicon.jar.
When opening SPARCd for the first time, please right click the file name, choose “open with,” and then choose “JavaLauncher.” This will not be necessary the second time.