Download SPARCd

Step 1: Delete old versions of SPARCd

  • If you have older versions of SPARCd downloaded to your computer, including “SPARCd latest 02-27-2023,” please delete.

  • If you have never downloaded SPARCd before, please skip this step.

Step 2: Install Java 21

  • If you have older versions of Java installed on your computer, you do not need to delete them as your system will default to the latest version.

  • Go to Java SE 21 Archive Downloads and choose the correct version for your operating system.

Note: For Mac Users

Step 3: Download SPARCd

  • Go to GitHub and choose the correct version for your operating system.

Note: For Mac Users

  • If you have an older Mac (purchased before 11/2020), please choose sparcd-macos-latest.jar.

  • If you have a newer Mac (purchased after 11/2020), please choose sparcd-AppleSilicon.jar.

  • When opening SPARCd for the first time, please right click the file name, choose “open with,” and then choose “JavaLauncher.” This will not be necessary the second time.